Rides 4 Fun suggests that an on-site meeting be arranged, to work out a location for the station and proposed route of Thomas during the visit.
Rides 4 Fun has found Thomas is best situated in high traffic flow areas to maximise the success of the visit. We always work closely with the centre management teams to identify suitable locations for Thomas and Friends to work from.
Thomas and Friends only requires a very small footprint, therefore we are confident a mutually suitable location can be found.
-Length of Visit
Generally Thomas and Friends visit for a two week period commencing Monday morning and leaving the following Sunday evening after trade. We are flexible however with the visit duration and happy to accommodate your requirements.
Rides 4 Fun holds current a $20,000,000 p.a. public liability insurance cover policy.
A copy of the applicable certificate of currency will be provided prior to our visit or at any time upon request.
-Financial Offer
Rides 4 Fun can customise a financial offer for your individual requirements.
The two most common options available are;
-Everyone Rides Free
A fixed fee is paid to Entertainment Plus Australia, which incorporates all staffing requirements, licensing requirements and Thomas and Friends to visit for a set period of time.
-Ticket Sales
A second option is for Entertainment Plus Australia to charge customers a fee to ride on Thomas which is a popular option for many shopping centre environments.